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History of
the Book of John
Book of John is the fourth book of the Gospels and is
distinctly different from the other three gospels. The
content and style serves well as a supplement to the
three synoptic gospels. (Matthew,
Mark and,
The gospel of John was written after the destruction of
Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and before John's exile to the
island of Patmos. John was a significant contributor to
the books of the New Testament. Along with this Gospel,
he authored 3 epistles (1st,
3rd John) and the book of Revelation.
John writes of 8 miracles that Jesus had done. Of these
eight only two are recorded by the other books of the
With only two of the eight miracles being recorded
elsewhere is another indication that the book of John
was written some time after the first three gospels.
Actually the non-duplication of material is consistent
with the content of this book whereas only 10% of it is
found elsewhere. In the book of John the main emphasis
is to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and by
believing He is the Son of God you can have eternal
life. John's evangelistic writing style is predominate
throughout this gospel numerous times with salvation
verses such as John 3:16, along with 3:14, 20:31, 3:5-7,
and 5:25. The Truth about eternal life is proclaimed and
told about in the Book of John. All you have to do is
believe that God sent His Son into this world, for this
world so that we might be saved. God gave His only
begotten Son that whosever believes in Him will not
perish, but have everlasting life. |